About Anywing Retrievers
It all started with Bugsy, my first Labrador Retriever. Actually, it started with Jake, a Spaniel, who despite having an amazing nose was not a good bird dog. He didn’t care for water, or the shotgun, or even the bird (unless it was dead)!
So, Jake was off to a farm in Vermont and the research began.
It didn’t take long to settle on the Labrador, and Bugsy made it clear that I’d made the right choice. She would hunt anything, all day long and all in the same day! Pheasant, woodcock, ducks, geese… and for some reason, she’d go bonkers over dove. She could switch gears between beating the brush for pheasant to sitting patiently on the duck blind like she was two different dogs. The icing on the cake… she loved everybody and everything. If you came for a visit, you were going to have to pet her. And if your face was anywhere near hers, you were going to come up wet! Anyone who’s seen a Lab with a young child knows exactly what I’m talking about.
She was a great dog but came with all the problems inherent from a backyard litter; you know the type, “I have a lab and you have a lab, let’s make more labs” type of litter. Let’s just say, I spent a lot of time at the vet and a small fortune on meds. After she passed, I decided that the next lab would be from a “real” breeder. A dog from a proven background and genetically sound.
Along came Annie, the sweetest dog you’d ever meet. And man, could she hunt!
And then Butter.. daughter of Silverbrook Return to Sender “Elvis”. She was the start of my serious breeding. With dogs in her pedigree like Aces High III, Trumarcs Raider and Zipcode, Super Chief, Snake Eyes Double or Nothing and San Joaquin Honcho.
She was bred twice to Chippewa’s Happy Trigger and made a pile of amazing lab puppies.
Anywing Hoover Whirlwind (black with the capability of producing all three colors) picked up where she left off and made some amazing pups! She’s retired from breeding, but not from chasing birds. Hoovers’ daughter Windy (also byc) is now pitching in, along with Mabel (a Hoover/Pancho pup). Alice (Mabel’s little sister) is not far behind.

My goal is to breed Labs that are capable of being the perfect hunting retriever that will also be the perfect companion for the entire family. I strive to produce Labs with excellent pedigrees that are intelligent, free from health problems and that exhibit classic Labrador temperament.
Bird dog… Gun dog…. whatever you want to call them, we make them!
All of my dogs hunt, and hunt often!
I guide them at Fullflight Game Farm and Hunt Club and take them out as often as possible.